Deep-Dive Seminars
Our deep-dive seminars are designed to give a quick overview of the state of science, costs of scaling, and players already in the field -- institutions, startups, investors, and corporates. Each seminar lasts three hours and is invite-only. We get a very curated group of 15-20 individuals with a practical, near-term interest in the field. Anyone can apply through forms linked below.
This is our current offering:
SYmposiums Symposiums focus on finding solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems, with each symposium being centered around a specific issue. While the Symposiums are designed to shed light on existing technologies and business models, they provide the audience with an understanding of the barriers that prevent us from seeing possible solutions as business opportunities. Symposiums bring people with ideas and potential solutions together with people who have experience in getting big things done and resources to do so.
While these half-day events are invite-only, anyone can apply to participate. We are targeting individuals with practical, near-term interest in the field, including scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors looking to take action.
Our first solution seminar focused on solutions around carbon sequestration and carbon removal. Carbon Symposium showcased the state of the technologies for profitable carbon removal and provided an overview of the status quo of carbon solutions. Talks given by industry experts were followed by lightning talks of entrepreneurs working with carbon solutions. Investors funding the development of the field closed the event with an investor panel.